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What Stalks Among UsWhat Stalks Among Us

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Book Descriptions :

Best friends and high school seniors Sadie and Logan make their first mistake when they ditch their end-of-year field trip to the amusement park in favor of exploring some old, forgotten backroads. The last thing they expect to come across is a giant, abandoned corn maze.But with a whole day of playing hooking unspooling before them, they make their second mistake. Or perhaps their third? Maybe even their fourth. Because Sadie and Logan have definitely entered this maze before. And again before that.When they stumble on the corpses in the maze, identical to them in every way (if you can ignore the stab and gunshot wounds)--from their clothes to their hidden scars to their dyed hair, to that one missing tooth--they quickly realize they?ve not only entered this maze before, they?ve died in it too. A lot. And no matter what they try, they can?t figure out what?or who?is hunting them.Deeply unnerving, clever, and atmospheric, this time-bending, mind-bending speculative horror is a .

Book Details :

Author : Sarah Hollowell

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 71492278-what-stalks-among-us

ISBN-13 : 9780063251816


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