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And Don't Look BackAnd Don't Look Back

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Book Descriptions :

After her mother?s death, a teen pieces together the truth of her family?s past and what her mom was hiding from in this thriller that?s perfect for fans of Courtney Summers and Tiffany D. Jackson.Harlow Ford has spent her entire life running, caught in her mother?s wake as they flit from town to town, hiding from a presence that Harlow isn?t even sure is real. In each new place, Harlow takes on a new name and personality, and each time they run, she leaves another piece of herself behind.When Harlow and her mom set off on yet another 3 a.m. escape, they are involved in a car accident that leaves Harlow?s mother fatally wounded. Before she dies, she tells Harlow two things: where to find the key to a safety deposit box and to never stop running. In the box, Harlow finds thirty grand in cash, life insurance documents, and several fake IDs for both herself and her mom?an on-the-run essentials kit. But Harlow also finds a photograph of her mom as a teenager with two other girls, the .

Book Details :

Author : Rebecca Barrow

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 101140012-and-don-t-look-back

ISBN-13 : 9781665932271


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