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Unrealistic ExpectationsUnrealistic Expectations

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Book Descriptions :

When a relationship therapist gets dumped right before her new dating handbook hits shelves, she fake dates to save face in this spicy romantic comedy.There are a lot of things that can go wrong on an author's publication day, but breaking up with her long-term boyfriend might just be at the top of Jessica Gallagher?s list. She also didn?t expect to run into her old crush, Galvin Baker, the very next day. When Jessica goes into crisis mode about the PR nightmare, she proposes the first solution that comes to fake dating. Luckily, Galvin seems game.Galvin Baker is used to being a constant disappointment, which is why he can?t?and won?t?commit to a relationship. Unfortunately for him, his last girlfriend used her vast social media power to make sure everyone knows how much Galvin "underperforms.? Fake dating for Jessica?s book promotion seems like the perfect cover?and maybe she can teach him something along the way.Hookups ?for science? and some seriously sweet gestures later, Jessica .

Book Details :

Author : Andie J. Christopher

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language :

ISBN-10 : 75494983-unrealistic-expectations

ISBN-13 : 9780593200087


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